Your next objective is to head to the motel nearby. Head out the back end of the chopper to find a larvae container on the ground. He’s already dead, so just grab his dog tags, then head inside the chopper to pick up the flight data recorder. When you reach the location marker, Chang’s body is just to the left of the downed helicopter. Use the RollerHawg to take care of him, then grab his dog tags. Brady is just ahead, but he’s been turned. With this, it becomes much easier to make your way around town. Combine these two vehicles to make the RollerHawg. When you get to the side mission to find Brady, you should see a motorcycle near a steamroller. Take the freeway and head toward the destination marker on the far side of town. Unfortunately, Hancock has been turned, so take him down and grab his dog tags before getting into the car. Head toward Hancock’s location to find him near a usable car. Head slowly toward the marker on foot and a side mission to find Hancock. It’s best to find a vehicle to make your way there. The next destination marker is on the far side of town. The guns you picked up earlier come in handy during this quick fight, or you can close in on them and use your melee weapons. Head outside of the station and to the right to engage two military men trying to take you down.
Head to the left, through the train car and up the stairs as you continue toward the next destination marker.

If you still have the sledgehammer, you can combine it with the battery to create the Electric Crusher combo weapon.Īs you enter the station, another large group of zombies awaits. Replenish any lost health, refill your inventory, then examine your fallen friend to acquire his dog tags. Head up the ramp to find your fallen comrade, as well as more guns and quite a few rations. The shovel or sledgehammer is your best weapon here, but only use it when there’s no way around the zombies and continue pressing forward. Your supplies are low, so weave in and out of the zombie horde as best you can. There’s a horde of zombies between you and the destination marker you need to reach. Your next objective is to escape the Aquaduct. Your inventory slots from the main story mode carry over into the Dead Rising 3: Operation Broken Eagle DLC, so pick up as many weapons and items as you can hold. Pick up the knife, handgun and sledgehammer on the ground nearby. Pick up and eat the super rations on the ground just ahead. After the opening cinematic, your first order of business is to replenish your health.