Showing that although excessive, you were driving at a speed that was safe and reasonable under the circumstances.There are four common defenses if a person is accused of excessive speeding. It’s in the motorist’s best interests, though, to consult with an attorney before raising one. There are legal defenses if a motorist is accused of violating VC 22354.
#Exessive speediness code#
Are there legal defenses if accused of violating Vehicle Code 22354? He can do this by asserting his driving was safe and reasonable in conformity with California Vehicle Code 22350 VC.
#Exessive speediness driver#
If it’s shown that a driver exceeded a “prima facie” limit, however, a motorist can still argue that he didn’t violate the law. This means a motorist driving faster than the limit is presumed to be violating California’s basic speeding law. The lower limits under VC 22354 are “prima facie” speed limits. It’s excessive speeding when a motorist drives faster than any of these lower speed limits (once posted).

#Exessive speediness drivers#
Drivers cannot ignore California speeding tickets.You risk getting a negligent operator license suspension if you get 4 points in 12 months, 6 points in 24 months or 8 points in 36 months. A driver caught speeding excessively will receive one point on his DMV record.The fine for a violation of Vehicle Code 22354 VC can range from $35.00 to more than $500.00, plus court costs and assessments.This presumption though can be rebutted if the motorist shows he was driving safe and reasonable. A motorist is presumed to be in violation of California’s basic speeding law if driving at an excessive speed.There are four important points to know about excessive speeding on California freeways. It’s excessive speeding if a motorist drives faster than these lower limits (when and where posted). Under California Vehicle Code Section 22354, the State can impose speed limits lower than 65 miles per hour on California freeways.